(302) 574-0523



The people in these communities, though living in humble conditions compared to us in the United States, are dedicated to pursing Torah and exemplify the love and joy of Yeshua. The brethren there love Yeshua and are hungry for Torah.




Because of your generous donations the new orphanage is almost completed. Please view the slideshow below. 




Severe thunderstorms  which brought much rain and wind to the area of the orphanage and synagogue in Rwanda has destroyed their homes. The orphanage was destroyed as well.  The synagogue’s roof was severely damaged.

The government assisted in helping them move from the risk zone.  There is much work to do in restoring their homes, synagogue and orphanage.  Please pray with us for HaShem to have mercy and compassion on these precious little ones and adults who are feeling displaced and wondering how to put the pieces back together.  Their lives have been disrupted in a terrible way and they need our prayers and help to rebuild.  

Please consider helping financially. No gift is too small.  May HaShem bless you as your prayers and gifts to help these in need,  are beneficial for restoration.

You can go to the bottom of this page to make a onetime donation , or if felt led to subscribe monthly to help support these children.  Once again thank you for your support.

Rebuilding of the Orphanage and Synagogue in Rwanda - 2023

Image 1 of 17

Orphanage and Synagogue destroyed by thunderstorm in Rwanda - 2022

Image 18 of 20

Please consider partnering with us to provide them with Bibles siddurim, and other items of worship, as well as buildings to gather in.

All donations are gratefully received and you will be saving lives and easing suffering.

If you would like to make a donation, please go to the bottom of the page for further instructions: Thank You

Dr. Hollisa Alewine’s Creation Gospel teaching is being taught in our BHT congregations, throughout Africa

Here are just a few people who have come to faith in Messiah Yeshua, and entered into covenant through Mikveh

Through Immersion into His death we were buried with Him; so that just as, through the glory of the Father, the Messiah was raised from the dead, likewise we too might live a new life.

In Northern Rwanda, one synagogue is completed and another under construction

A way of life for the Batwa people


Rwanda children being cared for, through your support

Outreach in Kigali

Missions work throughout several countries in Africa

Rabbi’s Interview on HRN – Feb 8, 2015 *mp3

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